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Color Configuration

Customising CloudFit to suit your brand colors

Updated over a week ago

CloudFit TV screens can be customised to suit your brand colors. Everything from the background to the timer colors can be adjusted to suit your needs.

We've even included a color extractor which gives you a whole palette of colors to choose from based on your logo/brand.

To customise your colors go to: Settings -> Your Colors

Main Text Color
This is the color used for all text on all screens with the exception of text on exercises

Background Colour
This is the color used for all backgrounds across the app (usually black) and also used as an overlay on top of items (with transparency applied).

Text Color on Exercises

This is the text color that will display on the corner of each exercise video.

Working Color
Used for the progress bars, timer and overlays when the class should be moving/active. A transparent version of this color is used as the background for the progress bars.

Resting Color

Used for the progress bars, timer and overlays when the class should be resting. A transparent version of this color is used as the background for the progress bars.

Drink Break Color
Used for the progress bars, timer and overlays when the class is having a drink break. A transparent version of this color is used as the background for the progress bars.

Use CloudFit Default
Restore all colors back to the CloudFit system default.

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